A nutritious diet is the best way to stay healthy, but with our busy lives and eating on the go it is not always easy to get the essential nutrients we need each day. Sometimes we need a supplement boost to optimize our digestive and immune system, which is the foundation for preventing recurring allergies.
There is also scientific evidence that shows our soils have been depleted of essential trace minerals which effect vitamin and enzyme production as well good bacteria needed for optimal digestion. |
Supplements to Support Digestive Health
Two supplements that are particularly helpful with digestion are probiotics and enzymes. Probiotics help to digest and absorb foods in our gut and are needed to balance the bad bacteria. Enzymes are proteins that help us breakdown our food for better nutrient absorption. This combination, in addition to eating a diet that is comprised of more whole foods and less processed foods, will also help with your immunity and reduce inflammation, primary factors that make you susceptible to allergies.
Natural Herbs and Supplements
There are specific herbal and dietary supplements you can take to target specific allergy symptoms and overall health. But it is not always easy to get these in your daily diet. A sinus and seasonal allergy support supplement that has a combination of some of these helpful allergy busters can help.